Take Care, Tar Creek has had a run of showings at film festivals! This post provides a summary of recent events.
It was selected and showed at the Lost River Film Festival in San Marcos, TX on October 17, 2024. Lisa (my wife and Film Producer) and I drove down to spend a day at the festival. It was a great showing in a cool venue. There was a Q&A session where people asked questions related to the making of the film and the current state of things at Tar Creek. The film was well-received and got a lot of great compliments. We were so grateful to network with other filmmakers and take in some other great documentaries.

The film was selected as a finalist and showed at the Will Rogers Motion Picture Festival in Claremore, OK on October 30, 2024. Another cool festival with a great theatre. Met some cool people – didn’t win a Dog Iron Award unfortunately, but hey, we met Will Roberts who played General George Marshall in Oppenheimer, so that was cool.

On Saturday, November 16, 2024 the film showed at the World Water Film Festival at Columbia University in NYC. Myself, Lisa and our daughter Peak, travelled to NYC and stayed in Harlem.
Also in attendance was Rebecca Jim, her cousin Mary, and friend Karen. It was great to have them travel from NE Oklahoma to join us at the festival.

It is amazing to have the support of friends in family in these creative and social endeavors.
Thank you again to LEAD Agency Inc., Rebecca Jim and Dana Jim for their generous support.
More festival showings to come…