I’ve been talking about this for some time so I’m finally getting some Super 8 films that I’ve shot out here. I’ve got 8 films total and I probably won’t put them all online but I am going to get all the State Fair ones out here. Keep in mind that none of these have sound. Super 8 film is silent. That is, unless you have a Super 8 *sound* camera AND sound film. It’s not the sound cameras that are so difficult to find but the sound film can be difficult and expensive. Not to mention that to transfer both the film image and the associated sound would cost – well, I don’t know how much it would cost but I’m sure it wouldn’t be cheap.
All film was transferred at mymovietransfers.com – and from what I see of the films I had transferred I am really excited about using them again for future projects.
So, a little bit about this first film (shown above):
This film was shot in Sept 2006. Every year my wife and I go to the State Fair and every year we make it a point to ride the giant slide. This year was no different. This film was shot by both of us. My wife shot the portion of me going down the slide – that’s me in the hat and glasses smiling at the camera after racing down the slide. The rest of the footage, I shot. This was B/W film and shot on my Zeiss Ikon Movieflex S8. It was a bright and sunny day so much of the images are a little overexposed. I’m sure I could up the contrast a bit in Final Cut (editing program) but I chose to keep it in it’s original unedited form.
This next film is from the State Fair – Sept. 2007.
I really like this one. It is the essence of what S8 film is all about to me. Rich colors, fluid picture, handheld camera feel, up close and real – filled with personality. This was also shot on my Zeiss Ikon Movieflex S8, this time using Ektachroome 64T film.
This film features several different elements of the state fair – the “freak” show tent, the unusual State Fair cuisine; fried Twinkies and Oreos, and a few of the lighted midway rides at dusk.
The two people in the film are Chris and Leah. Chirs is taking his first delicious bite of a fried Twinkie and then offers Leah a bite. I would note that Chirs went on to finish that Twinkie and followed it with a couple of fried Oreos. Shortly after that he was moaning with a stomache.
I especially enjoy watching the ride footage at the end and will probably shoot some more footage of rides in future films.
Hope you enjoy these two films.