With everything else going on I’ve neglected updating this Super 8 blog. I received footage back from Lost In Light – a while ago – but have only recently been able to transfer it from DV tape into digital files broken down for the web. I am still in the process of segmenting and editing them but wanted to share some of the raw footage.
So I present to you a day from my childhood. The boy on the bike is me. The boy in short shorts chasing me is my brother Ryan and the baby being pushed around in the stroller is my youngest brother, Adam. The film was shot by my Dad with a camera he bought from JCPenny – a camera I still have and, yes, it still works!
We used to visit this church parking lot that was just across the street from our house in Oklahoma City. It was a great place to ride bikes – and run. I remember riding around that big parking lot – seemed like you could go as fast and as far as you wanted.
I have many more films to add but it will take some time.